Custom IDP

Get Started

This document will guide you through configuring a custom identity provider (IDP) for social login.

Identity Cloud provides a suite of supported IDPs for social login, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter. This list of IDPs reflects the social accounts that are most popular with end users, and which our customers commonly leverage to streamline their registration and login experience.

In addition to these out-of-the-box IDPs, you can configure one or more custom IDPs for social login. A custom IDP can be configured using any identity provider that is set up to connect via one of three standard protocols:

  • OpenID Connect (OIDC)
  • OAuth 2.0
  • SAML 2.0

Stop! If the IDP you want to configure does not adhere to the specifications of one of these three protocols (OIDC, OAuth 2.0, or SAML 2.0), it cannot be supported as a custom IDP with Identity Cloud.

For example, Korean IDP Naver can be connected to Identity Cloud via OAuth 2.0, and added as a social login button to your Hosted Login screen.

Custom IDP in Hosted Login

To complete a custom IDP configuration, we will:

  1. Gather your Identity Cloud details
  2. Create a client or application within the IDP (if needed)
  3. Gather your IDP details
  4. Create the custom provider in Identity Cloud
  5. Add a login button for this provider to Hosted Login

Let’s get started! Use the arrows on the right and left of the page, or the left navigation menu, to step through this guide.

IMPORTANT: In order for this guide to work properly, you must complete each step in order. If you skip steps or items within steps, values and code samples provided later in the guide will be missing or incomplete.